程序名 | 版本数 | LOC | 语言 | 引用文章 |
16 drivers from the Linux 4.0 kernel: generic_nvram | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
2atan | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2cbrt | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2cos | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2frac | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2isqrt | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2log | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2nthrt | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2sin | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2sqrt | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
2stage | 10 | 100 | C | Concurrency, bug localization, constraint solving, differential schedule projection |
2tan | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
3frac | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
8139too | 12 | 123 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
a2ps | 10 | 100 | C | Static analysis, context-sensitive analysis |
A4j | 12 | 123 | C | Test data generation, Optimisation, Adaptive parameter control; Automatic test generation, random testing, static analysis, dynamic analysis |
Abyss 2000 | 10 | 100 | C | Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Dependability benchmarking, Quality models |
Abyss 2003 | 12 | 123 | C | Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Dependability benchmarking, Quality models |
Abyss XP | 10 | 100 | C | Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Dependability benchmarking, Quality models |
access-nbody | 12 | 123 | C | Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
ADI | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
Amort.Queue | 12 | 123 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
android-rss | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Ant | 12 | 123 | C | DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; Cost-effective regression testing through Adaptive Test Prioritization strategies; Prioritized static slicing and its application to fault localization; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Static change impact analysis techniques: A comparative study; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
antlr | 10 | 100 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog; Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis; Persistent pointer information; Introspective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board ; Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis |
Apache | 12 | 123 | C | How do bugs surface? A comprehensive study on the characteristics of software bugs manifestation; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Multi-criteria analysis of measures in benchmarking: Dependability benchmarking as a case study; Intent, tests, and release dependencies: Pragmatic recipes for source code integration; S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops; CLAMI: Defect Prediction on Unlabeled Datasets; A Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables |
Aphyds | 10 | 100 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
Arbaro | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
ArgoUML | 10 | 100 | C | DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
ASM | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
AspectJ | 10 | 100 | C | Combining Deep Learning with Information Retrieval to Localize Buggy Files for Bug Reports |
aspell | 12 | 123 | C | Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
Athou Commafeed | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
AVL Tree | 12 | 123 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
avrora | 10 | 100 | C | Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Azureus | 12 | 123 | C | Mutation-Based Fault Localization for Real-World Multilingual Programs |
Barbecue | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names |
barcode | 12 | 123 | C | Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis |
Barnes-Hut octree (bh) | 10 | 100 | C | Tree dependence analysis |
batik | 12 | 123 | C | Persistent pointer information |
bbuf | 10 | 100 | C | Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
bc | 12 | 123 | C | Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis |
BCEL | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs;On the Accuracy of Forward Dynamic Slicing and Its Effects on Software Maintenance; GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness |
Biff | 12 | 123 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
binary search tree (bst) | 10 | 100 | C | Tree dependence analysis |
Bind | 12 | 123 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops; Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code |
BinomialHeap | 10 | 100 | C | Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution; Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
BinTree | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution |
Birt | 10 | 100 | C | Combining Deep Learning with Information Retrieval to Localize Buggy Files for Bug Reports |
Bit Tricks | 12 | 123 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
bloat | 10 | 100 | C | Introspective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board; Persistent pointer information;Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis |
BlueBlog | 12 | 123 | C | Exploring context-sensitive data flow analysis for early vulnerability detection |
blwd | 10 | 100 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
Boa infrastructure | 12 | 123 | C | Exploiting Domain and Program Structure to Synthesize Efficient and Precise Data Flow Analyses |
bubble-sort | 10 | 100 | C | Bit-Level Taint Analysis |
Buddi | 12 | 123 | C | Test Case Prioritization Using Extended Digraphs |
Bugzilla | 10 | 100 | C | TCA: An Efficient Two-Mode Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Combinatorial Test Generation |
Bukki | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
BVal | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
bzip2 | 12 | 123 | C | Efficient Utilization of Secondary Storage for Scalable Dynamic Slicing; Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
cache4j | 10 | 100 | C | Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
Caelum Vraptor | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
calculator | 10 | 100 | C | Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis |
Camel (core) | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
cassandra | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators |
CG | 12 | 123 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
Chainsaw | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Chaperon | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
chart | 10 | 100 | C | Persistent pointer information; Introspective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board; Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis |
Charts4J | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Checkstyle | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Cherokee Web Server | 12 | 123 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
cholesky | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
Chromium | 12 | 123 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding |
Cilib | 10 | 100 | C | Effective Techniques for Static Race Detection in Java Parallel Loops |
ClassViewer | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Claws Mail | 10 | 100 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding |
ClosureComplier | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
CMS | 10 | 100 | C | Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs; Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs |
Cobertura | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
cocos2d | 10 | 100 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
codec | 12 | 123 | C | A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation; Feedback-controlled random test generation; GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
collections | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names; Feedback-controlled random test generation |
colt | 12 | 123 | C | Array Shadow State Compression for Precise Dynamic Race Detection |
beanutils | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names |
Commons CLI | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names; Does Automated Unit Test Generation Really Help Software Testers? A Controlled Empirical Study; A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation; GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; Hybrid regression test selection |
Codec | 10 | 100 | C | A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation |
collections-3.2.1 | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names |
Compress | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; Hybrid regression test selection |
Config | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
DBCP | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
12 | 123 | C | Automatically identifying focal methods under test in unit test cases | |
JXPath | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Hybrid regression test selection |
Lang | 12 | 123 | C | Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Find Real Faults? An Empirical Study of Effectiveness and Challenges Find Real Faults?; GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; Feedback-controlled random test generation |
Lang3 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
Math | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; Feedback-controlled random test generation; GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Find Real Faults? An Empirical Study of Effectiveness and Challenges Find Real Faults?; A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation; Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
Net | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; |
Primitive | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Primitives | 10 | 100 | C | Does Automated Unit Test Generation Really Help Software Testers? A Controlled Empirical Study |
Validator | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; Hybrid regression test selection |
Coll4 | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
Commons-io | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names |
CompCert | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler Validation via Equivalence Modulo Inputs |
Continuum | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
controlflow-recursive | 10 | 100 | C | Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
Coref | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
cos2 | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions; Copy and Paste Redeemed |
crasher | 12 | 123 | C | Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
crypt | 10 | 100 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
crypto-sha1 | 12 | 123 | C | Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
CrytoDB | 10 | 100 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
CSLICER | 12 | 123 | C | Semantic Slicing of Software Version Histories |
Cucumber | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
cuke4duke | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
CVE database | 10 | 100 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding |
CXF | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests |
DaCapo | 10 | 100 | C | LeakTracer: Tracing leaks along the way; Fast Flow Analysis with Godel Hashes; Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis; Array Shadow State Compression for Precise Dynamic Race Detection; JaConTeBe A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs |
DataStructures | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names |
Gson | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names; Feedback-controlled random test generation |
DAWN | 12 | 123 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
Dcparseargs | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
decorate | 12 | 123 | C | A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators |
DEFECTS4J | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; Context-aware patch generation for better automated program repair; Towards practical program repair with on-demand candidate generation;Do automated program repair techniques repair hard and important bugs?; Enlightened debugging; Are mutation scores correlated with real fault detection?: a large scale empirical study on the relationship between mutants and real faults |
Derby | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators; Proactive detection of inadequate diagnostic messages for software configuration errors |
Dozer | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
DrawLets | 12 | 123 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
DROIDBENCH | 10 | 100 | C | FlowDroid: precise context, flow, field, object-sensitive and lifecycle-aware taint analysis for Android apps |
Dropwizard | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
ds1286 | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
DsaChat | 12 | 123 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
dsyrk | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
dtlk | 12 | 123 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
d-tree (kd) | 10 | 100 | C | Tree dependence analysis |
dump | 12 | 123 | C | A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators |
DvdHome | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
Easymock | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
eclipse | 10 | 100 | C | Introspective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board |
Eclipse JDT Core | 12 | 123 | C | Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs |
Eclipse Platform SWT | 10 | 100 | C | Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs |
Eclipse UI | 12 | 123 | C | Combining Deep Learning with Information Retrieval to Localize Buggy Files for Bug Reports |
Edbrowse | 10 | 100 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops |
eeorzcap | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
Elasticsearch | 10 | 100 | C | Semantic Slicing of Software Version Histories |
elevator | 12 | 123 | C | Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Em3D | 10 | 100 | C | Effective Techniques for Static Race Detection in Java Parallel Loops |
EMMA 2.0.5312 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
EmpireDB | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
Enron email corpus | 12 | 123 | C | A grammar for spreadsheet formulas evaluated on two large datasets |
Euclid | 10 | 100 | C | Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution |
exim | 12 | 123 | C | Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
exp2 | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
expax | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
expm1 | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
expq2 | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
expq3 | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
facebook/hhvm | 12 | 123 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
Fakemongo Fongo | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
FibHeap | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
FibonacciHeap | 10 | 100 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
find | 12 | 123 | C | Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
FindBugs 2.0.0 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
firefox | 12 | 123 | C | Modeling and analysis of reliability of multi-release open source software incorporating both fault detection and correction processes; Making numerical program analysis fast |
Fixsuite | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
FizzBuzzEE | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
flex | 10 | 100 | C | Empirical evaluation of pareto efficient multi-objective regression test case prioritisation; Input-based adaptive randomized test case prioritization: A local beam search approach |
Flume | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests |
Follow | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
fop | 12 | 123 | C | Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis; Persistent pointer information |
FreeBSD | 10 | 100 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
FreeCS | 12 | 123 | C | Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs; Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs |
FreeMind | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
FreeType library | 12 | 123 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding |
fs3270 | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
FtpSercer | 12 | 123 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
Functor | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
galileo | 12 | 123 | C | Cost-effective regression testing through Adaptive Test Prioritization strategies |
Gantt | 10 | 100 | C | Exploiting traceability uncertainty among artifacts and code |
GCC | 12 | 123 | C | TCA: An Efficient Two-Mode Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Combinatorial Test Generation; Randomized stress-testing of link-time optimizers; Compiler Validation via Equivalence Modulo Inputs |
gdrom | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
GeoServer | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
GIMP | 10 | 100 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
GNOME desktop integrated calculator | 12 | 123 | C | Data tainting and obfuscation: Improving plausibility of incorrect taint |
GNOME Library | 10 | 100 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
GNU Compiler Collection | 12 | 123 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
Google Closure compiler | 10 | 100 | C | Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Find Real Faults? An Empirical Study of Effectiveness and Challenges Find Real Faults? |
google/protobuf | 12 | 123 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
Gradle 1.0 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
GraphHopper | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
GreenCow | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
grep | 12 | 123 | C | Empirical evaluation of pareto efficient multi-objective regression test case prioritisation; Empirical evaluation of pareto efficient multi-objective regression test case prioritisation; Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures; Input-based adaptive randomized test case prioritization: A local beam search approach |
gs | 10 | 100 | C | Persistent pointer information |
GSCoolections | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
gson | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically Generating Test Templates from Test Names; Feedback-controlled random test generation |
Guava | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; Feedback-controlled random test generation; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
gwsfmlau | 10 | 100 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
gzip | 12 | 123 | C | Efficient Utilization of Secondary Storage for Scalable Dynamic Slicing; Input-based adaptive randomized test case prioritization: A local beam search approach; Empirical evaluation of pareto efficient multi-objective regression test case prioritisation; A Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables; Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
h2 | 10 | 100 | C | Feedback-controlled random test generation |
Hadoop | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests; Semantic Slicing of Software Version Histories; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; |
Hadoop (core) | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
Hadoop-Common | 12 | 123 | C | Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing |
Hadoop-HDFS | 10 | 100 | C | Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing |
Hadoop-Yarn | 12 | 123 | C | Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing |
Hamcrest-core | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Hbase | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests |
Heal | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
HeapArray | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
Heavens | 10 | 100 | C | Profiling and classifying the behavior of malicious codes |
hedc | 12 | 123 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog; Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Helium benchmark | 10 | 100 | C | Diagnosing type errors with class |
Hibernate ORM 4.1.1 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
HillClimber | 10 | 100 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
Honeynet project | 12 | 123 | C | Profiling and classifying the behavior of malicious codes |
hsqldb | 10 | 100 | C | A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators; Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis; Introspective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board |
htget | 12 | 123 | C | Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
Http Server | 10 | 100 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs; TCA: An Efficient Two-Mode Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Combinatorial Test Generation |
Http client | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
httptunnel-3.3 | 10 | 100 | C | Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis |
HttpUnit 1.7 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
huffman | 10 | 100 | C | Bit-Level Taint Analysis |
hunatcha | 12 | 123 | C | Bit-Level Taint Analysis |
IBM benchmark suite | 10 | 100 | C | JaConTeBe A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs |
IBM ConTest benchmarks | 12 | 123 | C | Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
ICC | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler Validation via Equivalence Modulo Inputs |
ideawu/ssdb. facebook/rocksdb | 12 | 123 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
Identities | 10 | 100 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
IndexReader | 12 | 123 | C | A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators |
Insert.Sort | 10 | 100 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
IntAVLTreeMap | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
intel_nfcsim | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
intel_scu_wd | 12 | 123 | C | intel_scu_wd |
IntRedBlackTree | 10 | 100 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
IntroClass benchmark | 12 | 123 | C | Repairing Programs with Semantic Code Search |
invcot | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
Ivy | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
JABA | 10 | 100 | C | DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; Prioritized static slicing and its application to fault localization |
Jackrabbit | 12 | 123 | C | CLAMI: Defect Prediction on Unlabeled Datasets |
jacobi1d | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
JaConTeBe | 12 | 123 | C | JaConTeBe A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs |
Java 2D Physics Engine | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Java APNS | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Java Parallel Grande (JPG) | 10 | 100 | C | JaConTeBe A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs |
Java PathFinder | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
toba-s | 10 | 100 | C | Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis; On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog |
Java Simp. Arg. Parser | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Java View Control | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
java.util | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
JFreeChart | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Find Real Faults? An Empirical Study of Effectiveness and Challenges Find Real Faults?; Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; Static automated program repair for heap properties ; Hybrid regression test selection ; FAST approaches to scalable similarity-based test case prioritization ; On the diffuseness and the impact on maintainability of code smells: a large scale empirical investigation |
Java2Html 5.0 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
java-gnome | 10 | 100 | C | Mutation-Based Fault Localization for Real-World Multilingual Programs |
javasrc-p | 12 | 123 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog; Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Javassist | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Javassit | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Javax Mail | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
jaxen | 12 | 123 | C | Mutation testing cost reduction by clustering overlapped mutants |
jbb | 10 | 100 | C | Array Shadow State Compression for Precise Dynamic Race Detection |
mtrt | 12 | 123 | C | Array Shadow State Compression for Precise Dynamic Race Detection |
JBoss 6.1.0 | 10 | 100 | C | Intent, tests, and release dependencies: Pragmatic recipes for source code integration; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Jcommander | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
JDOM 1.1.3 | 10 | 100 | C | Mutation testing cost reduction by clustering overlapped mutants |
JDT | 12 | 123 | C | Combining Deep Learning with Information Retrieval to Localize Buggy Files for Bug Reports; Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs |
JEdit 4.5.0 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Jenkins | 12 | 123 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
Jetty | 10 | 100 | C | Feedback-controlled random test generation; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Proactive detection of inadequate diagnostic messages for software configuration errors |
Jetty HTTP Server | 12 | 123 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
Jetty-hightide 7.4.0 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
JEval 0.9.4 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
JGaap | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
JGAP | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically identifying focal methods under test in unit test cases |
JGF | 10 | 100 | C | Calculation coverage testing in scientific applications |
JGimp 0.8.5 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Jgit | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
JHD | 12 | 123 | C | Exploiting traceability uncertainty among artifacts and code |
JHotDraw | 10 | 100 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
JLine 1.0 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
JMeter | 10 | 100 | C | Static change impact analysis techniques: A comparative study; On the Accuracy of Forward Dynamic Slicing and Its Effects on Software Maintenance; Proactive detection of inadequate diagnostic messages for software configuration errors; DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; Cost-effective regression testing through Adaptive Test Prioritization strategies; Prioritized static slicing and its application to fault localization; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Joda | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests |
Joda Time | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; Do Automatically Generated Unit Tests Find Real Faults? An Empirical Study of Effectiveness and Challenges Find Real Faults?; GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing; Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; Mutation testing cost reduction by clustering overlapped mutants; Hybrid regression test selection ;FAST approaches to scalable similarity-based test case prioritization |
Joeq JVM | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Jopt Simple | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
jpat-p | 12 | 123 | C | Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
JTopas | 12 | 123 | C | Static change impact analysis techniques: A comparative study; Do Automatically Generated Test Cases Make Debugging Easier? An Experimental Assessment of Debugging Effectiveness and Efficiency |
JTreeProfiler 1.1.1 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
JUnit | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Effective Techniques for Static Race Detection in Java Parallel Loops |
Jwbf | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
jwgqbjzs | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
JXPath | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
jython | 12 | 123 | C | Introspective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board |
kawa-c | 10 | 100 | C | Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Kuujo Vertigo | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
less-382 | 10 | 100 | C | Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis |
Libgd | 12 | 123 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops |
LibreOffice | 10 | 100 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding |
gcc.libx264 | 12 | 123 | C | Efficient Utilization of Secondary Storage for Scalable Dynamic Slicing |
Lightwallet 1.1.5 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Lilith | 12 | 123 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
Linear Math Java Library | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
linked list (ll) | 12 | 123 | C | Tree dependence analysis |
Linux Kernel | 10 | 100 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
linux_full | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
List Ops. | 10 | 100 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
LLVM | 12 | 123 | C | Randomized stress-testing of link-time optimizers; ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs; Compiler Validation via Equivalence Modulo Inputs |
Log4J | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
logq | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
logs | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
Lotus | 12 | 123 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
LU | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors |
Lucene 3.5.0 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Exploring community structure of software Call Graph and its applications in class cohesion measurement; CLAMI: Defect Prediction on Unlabeled Datasets; Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests; Effective Techniques for Static Race Detection in Java Parallel Loops |
lufact | 10 | 100 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
luindex | 12 | 123 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog |
lusearch | 10 | 100 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog |
lynx | 12 | 123 | C | A Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables |
machzwd | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
MADWiFi | 12 | 123 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops |
Mahout 0.6 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
make | 12 | 123 | C | Empirical evaluation of pareto efficient multi-objective regression test case prioritisation |
Mango | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
math | 12 | 123 | C | Feedback-controlled random test generation |
Math3 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Math4J | 12 | 123 | C | Does Automated Unit Test Generation Really Help Software Testers? A Controlled Empirical Study |
math-spectral-norm | 10 | 100 | C | Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
matmult | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
matrix-multiply | 10 | 100 | C | Bit-Level Taint Analysis |
Maven | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Maven-Plugins | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
MerArbiter | 12 | 123 | C | Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution |
Merge Sort | 10 | 100 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
MiniDraw | 12 | 123 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
Mockito 1.8.5 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
moldyn | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast; Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
mongodb/mongo | 10 | 100 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
MonteCarlo | 12 | 123 | C | Effective Techniques for Static Race Detection in Java Parallel Loops |
Mozilla | 10 | 100 | C | Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs |
Mozilla HTML Parser 0.3.0 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; |
Mozilla Metrics | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Mozilla’s XPCOMlibraryt | 12 | 123 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
MPI | 10 | 100 | C | When truth is efficient: analysing concurrency |
MySQL | 12 | 123 | C | Empirical evaluation of pareto efficient multi-objective regression test case prioritisation; ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs; How do bugs surface? A comprehensive study on the characteristics of software bugs manifestation |
NanoXML | 10 | 100 | C | Prioritized static slicing and its application to fault localization; A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation; Cost-effective regression testing through Adaptive Test Prioritization strategies; On the Accuracy of Forward Dynamic Slicing and Its Effects on Software Maintenance; DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; Deciding Type-Based Partial-Order Constraints for Path-Sensitive Analysis |
navier-stokes | 12 | 123 | C | Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
NCO | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
NCS | 12 | 123 | C | A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation |
Nekomud | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Net beans | 12 | 123 | C | Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs |
NETBSD | 10 | 100 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops |
Neuroph 2.6 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
NodeCachLList | 10 | 100 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
num4j | 12 | 123 | C | Mutation testing cost reduction by clustering overlapped mutants |
Nutch | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing |
openexr/openexr | 12 | 123 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
OpenFOAM CFD software package | 10 | 100 | C | Checking C++ codes for compatibility with operator overloading |
OpenNLP | 12 | 123 | C | DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness |
OpenSER | 10 | 100 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops |
optmize | 12 | 123 | C | A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators |
oracle/node-oracledb | 10 | 100 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
Pathway-Express | 12 | 123 | C | Are Object Graphs Extracted Using Abstract Interpretation Significantly Different from the Code? |
pbzip2 | 10 | 100 | C | Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
pc8736x_gpio | 12 | 123 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
PCA (Patient-Controlled Analgesia) infusion pump system | 10 | 100 | C | Executing Model-based Tests on Platform-specific Implementations |
PDFBox | 12 | 123 | C | DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; Prioritized static slicing and its application to fault localization; On the Accuracy of Forward Dynamic Slicing and Its Effects on Software Maintenance; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
PDFSAM | 10 | 100 | C | Deciding Type-Based Partial-Order Constraints for Path-Sensitive Analysis; Test Case Prioritization Using Extended Digraphs |
pdftops | 12 | 123 | C | Efficient Utilization of Secondary Storage for Scalable Dynamic Slicing |
Pebble | 10 | 100 | C | Exploring context-sensitive data flow analysis for early vulnerability detection |
PersonalBlog | 12 | 123 | C | Exploring context-sensitive data flow analysis for early vulnerability detection |
PetSoar | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
pfscan | 12 | 123 | C | Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
phoenix-2.0.0 | 10 | 100 | C | Pegasus: automatic barrier inference for stable multithreaded systems |
php | 12 | 123 | C | Persistent pointer information |
PHP interpreter | 10 | 100 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding |
pmd | 12 | 123 | C | ntrospective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board; Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis |
Pmd-dcd | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
POI | 12 | 123 | C | Exploring community structure of software Call Graph and its applications in class cohesion measurement |
PorterStemmer | 10 | 100 | C | Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators |
postgreSQL | 12 | 123 | C | Persistent pointer information |
printtokens | 10 | 100 | C | ORBS and the limits of static slicing; Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
Printtokens2 | 12 | 123 | C | ORBS and the limits of static slicing; Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
Prob6_00_f | 10 | 100 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
Prob6_30_t | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
ps3vram | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
Ptax | 12 | 123 | C | Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs; Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs |
PureMVC | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically identifying focal methods under test in unit test cases |
qlog | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
quad2m | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
quad2p | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
quadm | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
quadp | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
r8169 | 10 | 100 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
raja | 12 | 123 | C | Array Shadow State Compression for Precise Dynamic Race Detection |
ReactOS | 10 | 100 | C | Exploiting traceability uncertainty among artifacts and code |
Red-Black Tree | 12 | 123 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
RemoteSearchable | 10 | 100 | C | A Parallel On-Demand Algorithm for Computing Interprocedural Dominators |
Replace | 12 | 123 | C | ORBS and the limits of static slicing; Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
Resources4JDieBierse | 10 | 100 | C | est data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
rethinkdb/rethinkdb | 12 | 123 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
Retrofit | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Rhino | 12 | 123 | C | CLAMI: Defect Prediction on Unlabeled Datasets; Static change impact analysis techniques: A comparative study |
rhino-a | 10 | 100 | C | Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
richards | 12 | 123 | C | Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
River | 10 | 100 | C | Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies; Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
Roller | 12 | 123 | C | xploring context-sensitive data flow analysis for early vulnerability detection |
Roops | 10 | 100 | C | A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation |
rsync | 12 | 123 | C | Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
s3_clnt_2 f | 10 | 100 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
s3_clnt_3_t | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
sablecc-j | 10 | 100 | C | Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Safe | 12 | 123 | C | CLAMI: Defect Prediction on Unlabeled Datasets |
samba | 10 | 100 | C | Persistent pointer information |
SAT4J Core | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
SaxPath | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
SCCH collection | 12 | 123 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Schedule | 10 | 100 | C | DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; ORBS and the limits of static slicing; On the Accuracy of Forward Dynamic Slicing and Its Effects on Software Maintenance |
Schedule2 | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; ORBS and the limits of static slicing |
schroeder-m | 10 | 100 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog |
Scope 2.0 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Scribe Java | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
SCS | 12 | 123 | C | A Memetic Algorithm for whole test suite generation |
sed | 10 | 100 | C | Empirical evaluation of pareto efficient multi-objective regression test case prioritisation; Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures; Input-based adaptive randomized test case prioritization: A local beam search approach |
seidel | 12 | 123 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
Selenium 1.0 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Sendmail | 12 | 123 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops; Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code |
seq | 10 | 100 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
series | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
ServiceMix | 10 | 100 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests |
SESDAQ system | 12 | 123 | C | Evolutionary Robustness Testing of Data Processing Systems using Models and Data Mutation |
SFTtech/openage | 10 | 100 | C | Copy and Paste Redeemed |
SglibRbtree | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
Shiro-core | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Siena | 12 | 123 | C | Deciding Type-Based Partial-Order Constraints for Path-Sensitive Analysis |
SinglyLList | 10 | 100 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
sintan | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
skew-heap (skew) | 10 | 100 | C | Tree dependence analysis |
slf4j | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Slf4j-api | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
Snappy-Java | 12 | 123 | C | Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing |
socat | 10 | 100 | C | Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
SOGPS | 12 | 123 | C | RTCM: a natural language based, automated, and practical test case generation framework |
Solr | 10 | 100 | C | Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing |
sonypi | 12 | 123 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
Soot | 10 | 100 | C | Deciding Type-Based Partial-Order Constraints for Path-Sensitive Analysis |
sor | 12 | 123 | C | Making numerical program analysis fast |
Sorted List | 10 | 100 | C | Sound Reasoning About Integral Data Types with a Reusable SMT Solver Interface |
SpamAssassin | 12 | 123 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops |
Spark | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
SPEC 2000 | 12 | 123 | C | Understanding Integer Overflow in C/C++ |
SPEC 2006 | 10 | 100 | C | Understanding Integer Overflow in C/C++ |
SPEC INT 2000 | 12 | 123 | C | Provably correct peephole optimizations with alive |
SPEC INT 2006 | 10 | 100 | C | Provably correct peephole optimizations with alive; A Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables |
OMP2001 suites | 12 | 123 | C | A Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables |
SPECjbb2005 | 10 | 100 | C | LeakTracer: Tracing leaks along the way |
SPECjvm2008 | 12 | 123 | C | LeakTracer: Tracing leaks along the way |
SPECweb99 | 10 | 100 | C | Practical and representative faultloads for large-scale software systems |
spell | 12 | 123 | C | Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis |
SPINS | 10 | 100 | C | TCA: An Efficient Two-Mode Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Combinatorial Test Generation |
SPINV | 12 | 123 | C | TCA: An Efficient Two-Mode Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Combinatorial Test Generation |
Spring | 10 | 100 | C | Intent, tests, and release dependencies: Pragmatic recipes for source code integration |
Spring JDBC | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Spring MVC | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Spring Petclinic | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Spring Test MVC | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
SQLite | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
sqlite-jdbc | 10 | 100 | C | Mutation-Based Fault Localization for Real-World Multilingual Programs |
sqrtexp | 12 | 123 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
Square Retrofit | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Square Wire | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
ssh | 10 | 100 | C | A Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables |
ssu100 | 12 | 123 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
Stanford SecuriBench | 10 | 100 | C | Access-Path Abstraction: Scaling Field-Sensitive Data-Flow Analysis With Unbounded Access Paths |
stringbuffer | 12 | 123 | C | Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections |
StringSearch 2 | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Stripes | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
strmm | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
Struts | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
stuxnet | 10 | 100 | C | Bit-Level Taint Analysis |
sunflow | 12 | 123 | C | Persistent pointer information |
SV-COMP | 10 | 100 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
swim | 12 | 123 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
SWT | 10 | 100 | C | Combining Deep Learning with Information Retrieval to Localize Buggy Files for Bug Reports; Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs; Evaluating the usefulness of IR-based fault localization techniques |
sx8 | 12 | 123 | C | Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers |
tanhf | 10 | 100 | C | Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions |
Tapestry 5.3.2 | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
tar-1.17 | 10 | 100 | C | A Stack Memory Abstraction and Symbolic Analysis Framework for Executables; Selective context-sensitivity guided by impact pre-analysis |
Tcas | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; ORBS and the limits of static slicing; Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution |
the CE benchmark | 10 | 100 | C | Diagnosing type errors with class |
DaCapo benchmark | 12 | 123 | C | Array Shadow State Compression for Precise Dynamic Race Detection; JaConTeBe A Benchmark Suite of Real-World Java Concurrency Bugs; LeakTracer: Tracing leaks along the way; Fast Flow Analysis with Godel Hashes; Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis |
EUSES dataset | 10 | 100 | C | A grammar for spreadsheet formulas evaluated on two large datasets |
Java Grande Benchmarks | 12 | 123 | C | Array Shadow State Compression for Precise Dynamic Race Detection |
Thrift | 10 | 100 | C | Automated memory leak diagnosis by regression testing |
TimeSlotTracker | 12 | 123 | C | Test Case Prioritization Using Extended Digraphs |
Tiny Sql | 10 | 100 | C | GRT: Program-Analysis-Guided Random Testing |
toba-s | 12 | 123 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog; Hybrid top-down and bottom-up interprocedural analysis |
Tomcat | 10 | 100 | C | Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs; Combining Deep Learning with Information Retrieval to Localize Buggy Files for Bug Reports; Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests; Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs; Persistent pointer information; What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
totinfo | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; ORBS and the limits of static slicing |
TPC-H | 10 | 100 | C | Preventing data errors with continuous testing |
Transmission BitTorrent client | 12 | 123 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
tree-add | 10 | 100 | C | Detecting function purity in JavaScript |
TreeMap | 12 | 123 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites; Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution |
TreeSet | 10 | 100 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
triangle | 12 | 123 | C | Mutation testing cost reduction by clustering overlapped mutants |
trisolv | 10 | 100 | C | Compiler-assisted detection of transient memory errors via program dependence graphs |
TriTye | 12 | 123 | C | Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution |
TulliBee | 10 | 100 | C | Test data generation with a Kalman filter-based adaptive genetic algorithm |
Turbine | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
twitter Ambrose | 10 | 100 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
twitter hbc | 12 | 123 | C | Reliable testing: detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency |
Twitter4J | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
UPM | 12 | 123 | C | Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs; Test Case Prioritization Using Extended Digraphs; Exploring and enforcing security guarantees via program dependence graphs |
Validator | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
VCS | 12 | 123 | C | RTCM: a natural language based, automated, and practical test case generation framework |
Vuze | 10 | 100 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs |
Web Kit | 12 | 123 | C | Supplementary Bug Fixes vs. Re-opened Bugs |
Web Server | 10 | 100 | C | ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs |
WebGoat | 12 | 123 | C | Exploring context-sensitive data flow analysis for early vulnerability detection |
weblech | 10 | 100 | C | On abstraction refinement for program analyses in Datalog |
Weka | 12 | 123 | C | Effective Techniques for Static Race Detection in Java Parallel Loops; Deciding Type-Based Partial-Order Constraints for Path-Sensitive Analysis; Proactive detection of inadequate diagnostic messages for software configuration errors |
Wireshark | 10 | 100 | C | Automatic runtime error repair and containment via recovery shepherding |
Wu-Ftpd | 12 | 123 | C | S-looper: automatic summarization for multipath string loops;Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code |
xalan | 10 | 100 | C | Introspective Analysis: Context-Sensitivity, Across the Board; Exploring community structure of software Call Graph and its applications in class cohesion measurement; Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis |
xmail | 12 | 123 | C | Automated Support for Reproducing and Debugging Field Failures |
xml-sec | 10 | 100 | C | Cost-effective regression testing through Adaptive Test Prioritization strategies |
XML-security | 12 | 123 | C | DIAPRO: Unifying Dynamic Impact Analyses for Improved and Variable Cost-Effectiveness; Do Automatically Generated Test Cases Make Debugging Easier? An Experimental Assessment of Debugging Effectiveness and Efficiency; Prioritized static slicing and its application to fault localization; Static change impact analysis techniques: A comparative study |
XOM | 10 | 100 | C | Does Automated Unit Test Generation Really Help Software Testers? A Controlled Empirical Study |
XStream | 12 | 123 | C | What to expect of predicates: An empirical analysis of predicates in real world programs; Automatically identifying focal methods under test in unit test cases |
YAFFS2 | 10 | 100 | C | Guidelines for Coverage-Based Comparisons of Non-Adequate Test Suites |
ZooKeeper | 12 | 123 | C | Test Analysis: Searching for Faults in Tests; Practical regression test selection with dynamic file dependencies |
Zxing | 10 | 100 | C | CLAMI: Defect Prediction on Unlabeled Datasets |
IntroClassJava Dataset | 12 | 123 | C | Context-aware patch generation for better automated program repair; Overfitting in semantics-based automated program repair |
ManyBugs | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Do automated program repair techniques repair hard and important bugs? |
Intro to Programming class(6.00x)in Python course offered on edX MOOC platform | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Neuro-symbolic program corrector for introductory programming assignments |
unreproducible Debian packages | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Automated localization for unreproducible builds |
NoSQL databases | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Experiences and challenges in building a data intensive system for data migration |
on-premise databases | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Experiences and challenges in building a data intensive system for data migration |
the embedded Linux Busybox | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Semantic program repair using a reference implementation |
GNU Coreutils | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Semantic program repair using a reference implementation |
Swoole | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
lxc | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
dablooms | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
php-cp | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
armake | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
sysstat | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
redis | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties 2 、 Almost there: a study on quasi-contributors in open source software projects 3 、 Spatio-temporal context reduction: a pointer-analysis-based static approach for detecting use-after-free vulnerabilities |
rappel | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
Apktool | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
error-prone | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Static automated program repair for heap properties |
Codeflaws | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Overfitting in semantics-based automated program repair |
invokebinder | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
compile-testing | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
logstash-logback-encoder | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
joda-time | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection 2 、 FAST approaches to scalable similarity-based test case prioritization |
commons-dbutils | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
commons-fileupload | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
asterisk-java | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
commons-functor | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
la4j | 10 | 100 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection |
commons-email | 12 | 123 | C | 1 、 Hybrid regression test selection 2 、 Fine-grained test minimization |